Beatrice AA

Solitary Watch 孤独的守望, Charcoal on paper, toner, 2023

I tether everything that matters to me, letting them soar into the high skies, away from the profound thorns below, and christen it as "the grace of freedom."

Do you see the stars in the grass? Those are the eyes of the night.

Doors create a distance, a sigh, a linguistic divide.

No need to tidy up now; my memory palace is a blank canvas, chaotic, words powerless.

The woods vanish, leaving you exposed, so I relocate a white cloud amidst the dark clouds for you.

I catch the rain and tears from your dreams with an umbrella.

Capture cherished, random moments—photographs.

"But your emotions terrify me."

"Even amid thick clouds, one can't conceal the emptiness and bewilderment within."

The above text can be interpreted and matched with any of the paintings according to your own thoughts and understanding. The intention behind this series of works is to depict a barrier in communication, obstacles in understanding, and the powerlessness of language expression. 'We are indeed together, but it seems that every string of conversation lacks logic. Our souls are miles apart, and even if we try to get closer to each other, there is no warmth.' A gentlemanly bald eagle feels pity for a group of pigeons, yet he doesn't know how to express this care, and his efforts are not needed by the pigeons, causing them even to feel fear. The series of paintings itself possesses its own linguistic charm, something that cannot be fully conveyed or replicated by any other medium. The audience's interpretation is also an integral part of refining the illustrated works. Therefore, I leave this part of interpretation to the audience.

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