Jiaxi 佳西

Velvet Crystal, Illustration and Animation, 2023

Although ‘Velvet Crystal’ appears to be a ballet troupe touring the world, it is, in reality, an organization of assassins formed by young girls. They adhere to their own code of conduct, accepting assassination missions and mysteriously disappearing into any corner of the world.

There are currently 5 members, whose real names remain unknown.

The 3.5sec When I Met you, Illustration and Animation, 2022

This is the story of love at first sight. In just 3.5 seconds when a girl meets a boy, her world crashes into the Big Bang. It is her secret. The majority of the text in the animation is Japanese onomatopoeia words.

気になるあの娘(That Girl on My Mind), Illustration and Animation, 2020

This music video animation is inspired by the song of the same name by Japanese band 相対性理論(Theory of Relativity), where I found this lyric interesting:

気になるあの娘の生きがい 願い

不老 不老 不老不死

"That girl's only wish in life was eternal youth,eternal youth... immortality"

Then I tried to draw it _(:з ∠)_

About the Artist

Jiaxi 佳西, based on Earth, is an artist who enjoys diverse forms of visual expression, including illustration, comics, animation and graphic design.

Artist’s link:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jiaxi_wei/

Tumblr: https://weijiaxi.tumblr.com