AA Cheng (AA 呈)

无机物 (Inorganic Matter), Digital painting and collage, 2022-2023

The name of this character in this series is 壹 (Yi), an assemblage of internet image fragments that exist in cyberspace. She has no tangible face, body, features, or outfit, and can not be remembered.

About the artist

AA Cheng is a web-based digital media artist with a background rooted in Chinese internet culture. Cheng's upbringing was characterized by immersion in the digital realm. Unbound by the constraints of name, physical form, or gender, she embraced her identity as a complete narrative of the internet.

Artist’s link:

Personal Website: https://aacheng.org/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aacheng0228?igshid=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg%3D%3D