Maybe, Moe Myth…

March 2024

CURATED BY Comiga Gallery


AA Cheng/ Chenyi/ Chiyong/ Dianna Pei/ Ecandwollag/ Jingwen Liang/ Kero/ Letterchild/ Mai Jiang
Momiji/ Queenie Si/ Seasidellll/ Sitong Liu/ William Broich/ Yingyu Zhu/ 11YBU

ON VIEW: 03/24/2024-04/07/2024

Comiga Gallery presents group exhibition ‘Maybe, Moe Myth…’, an exploration of the concept of ‘Moe (萌え)’. The exhibition features illustrations, animations, photography, installations, monotypes and so on from 16 artists, each offering their unique perspective on ‘Moe’. Their works contemplate the trajectory of ‘Moe’: how ‘Moe’ has changed over time and how it impacts contemporary life as a form of living mythology.

Comiga Gallery推出群展《也许,名为萌的神话》,該群展將於2024年3月24 日至4月7日在Comiga位于布鲁克林的小型替代空间展出,邀请观众一同探索“萌”的概念。展览汇集了来自16位艺术家的插画、动画、摄影、装置、单色印刷等作品,其中每一件都呈现了他们对于“萌”的见解。 他们的作品引发观众对于“萌”的发展轨迹的思考:它是如何随着时间变化,以及是如何作为一种当代神话影响着我们的生活。